
+92-42-35692728 | +92-42-35744666 | photos@kangaroo.org.pk


We have already introduced ONLINE REGISTRATION SYSTEM to facilitate the institutions. The participating institutions are encouraged to get their institution and participating students registered through this online system.

Please read these instructions carefully. It is your responsibility to make sure that institution is correctly registered and that all of the fields required for participation in the contest are completed.

IMPORTANT : Be sure to use a valid and current email address so that we can use it to contact you at any point before, during and after the contest, if necessary.

  • Enter all the required information, including your email address and contact information.
  • Minimum Participation of 5 students from a participating class is MUST. There is no maximum limit; institutions can register as many students from a class as they wish.
  • The last date of submitting registration form is June 15, 2024 with normal fee, after this date the institutions can register by paying late fee of Rs. 5,000 (per institution) till June 17, 2024 and by paying double late fee of Rs. 10,000 (per institution) till June 19, 2024. Thereafter no registration will be accepted.
  • The participation fee is Rs. 650 per participant, which can be paid through Bank Draft/Pay Order, drawn in favour of CREATIVE LEARNING SERVICES. There is no registration fee for institution.


  • The fee can also be directly transferred to our A/C titled : Creative Learning Services, A/C No.: 02170109167770, IBAN: PK74 MAZN 0002170109167770, Bank Name: MEEZAN BANK, Branch: G BLOCK, DHA, PHASE I, LAHORE.
  • Registration will be confirmed after receiving fee and the fee once paid is non-refundable and non-transferable.
  • An e-mail containing your login credentials will be forwarded to the Principal's given e-mail address after completion of Institution details. If you need to change any of the information (name, address, contact information, etc.) that you specified when you registered, you can do so till registration deadline by logging in to the contest web site with the user name and password that you have been provided.

